It is much more expensive to acquire a new client than it is to keep a current one. Satisfied clients result in loyalty, repeat business, and spreading your good name around town, resulting in referrals.
Below I share six simple ways to help you keep a happy client.
1. Share a Smile (even on the phone)
Corporate America taught me that a smile, even on the phone, is contagious. Most business today is done virtually, with zoom calls and conference calls, sometimes the camera is off, and all they hear is your voice. It’s said you can “hear” a smile; that’s because your tone of voice sounds cheerful when you’re smiling. One of the easiest ways to appear welcoming is to smile.
2. Thank your clients
Sincerely thank your clients. Make showing appreciation a regular part of your client’s relationship with you. Thanking your clients can look as simple as a handwritten note. Let your clients know you value and appreciate their business.
3. Listen and remember
Show your clients that you listen to their needs and feedback. Listening and acting on what you have heard is the key to client retention and loyalty. Remember and document important client dates, events, hobbies, and family names. Doing this shows you care.
4. Honesty is the best policy
It’s never fun to be the bearer of bad news, but your clients will trust and value your opinion if you always speak the truth. If you must give bad news, be prepared to offer possible solutions.
5. Give a gift that you know they’ll like
If you find out that a client is a fan of a local sports team, consider getting them tickets to a game. Perhaps they mentioned they like scotch or whiskey. Customizing gifts is a great way to show your clients you remember what they tell you.
6. Keep lines of communication open
Because we cannot see each other face-to-face as much as we would like, staying on top of communication is vital. Replying to client e-mails and returning calls in a timely manner. Keeping the client in the know as to what your company is doing, like a blog, newsletter, or other forms of social media, is an excellent way to stay connected.